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Cara perbaiki html2pdf error?
Load server lumayan berat karena data di db banyak, lalu timeout malah muncul seperti ini.... bagaimana cara mengatasinya. Terima kasih
Fatal error: Uncaught <span style="color: #AA0000; font-weight: bold;">ERREUR n°6</span><br>Fichier
F:\xampp\htdocs\androsales2015\app\html2pdf\html2pdf.class.php<br>Ligne : 1319<br><br>Impossible de charger l'image <b></b> thrown in F:\xampp\htdocs\androsales2015\app\html2pdf\html2pdf.class.php on line 1319
protected function _drawImage($src, $subLi=false)
// get the size of the image
// WARNING : if URL, "allow_url_fopen" must turned to "on" in php.ini
// if the image does not exist, or can not be loaded
if (count($infos)<2) {
// if the test is activ => exception
if ($this->_testIsImage) {
throw new HTML2PDF_exception(6, $src); //This is line 1319 that error came
// else, display a gray rectangle
$src = null;
$infos = array(16, 16);
// convert the size of the image in the unit of the PDF
$imageWidth = $infos[0]/$this->pdf->getK();
$imageHeight = $infos[1]/$this->pdf->getK();
// calculate the size from the css style
if ($this->parsingCss->value['width'] && $this->parsingCss->value['height']) {
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height'];
} else if ($this->parsingCss->value['width']) {
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$h = $imageHeight*$w/$imageWidth;
} else if ($this->parsingCss->value['height']) {
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height'];
$w = $imageWidth*$h/$imageHeight;
} else {
// convert px to pt
$w = 72./96.*$imageWidth;
$h = 72./96.*$imageHeight;
// are we in a float
$float = $this->parsingCss->getFloat();
// if we are in a float, but if something else if on the line => Break Line
if ($float && $this->_maxH) {
// make the break line (false if we are in "_isForOneLine" mode)
if (!$this->_tag_open_BR(array())) {
return false;
// position of the image
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
// if the image can not be put on the current line => new line
if (!$float && ($x + $w>$this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getrMargin()) && $this->_maxH) {
if ($this->_isForOneLine) {
return false;
// set the new line
$hnl = max($this->_maxH, $this->parsingCss->getLineHeight());
// get the new position
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
// if the image can not be put on the current page
if (($y + $h>$this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->getbMargin()) && !$this->_isInOverflow) {
// new page
// get the new position
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
// correction for display the image of a list
$hT = 0.80*$this->parsingCss->value['font-size'];
if ($subLi && $h<$hT) {
// add the margin top
$yc = $y-$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['t'];
// get the width and the position of the parent
$old = $this->parsingCss->getOldValues();
if ( $old['width']) {
$parentWidth = $old['width'];
$parentX = $x;
} else {
$parentWidth = $this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getlMargin() - $this->pdf->getrMargin();
$parentX = $this->pdf->getlMargin();
// if we are in a gloat => adapt the parent position and width
if ($float) {
list($lx, $rx) = $this->_getMargins($yc);
$parentX = $lx;
$parentWidth = $rx-$lx;
// calculate the position of the image, if align to the right
if ($parentWidth>$w && $float!='left') {
if ($float=='right' || $this->parsingCss->value['text-align']=='li_right') $x = $parentX + $parentWidth - $w-$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['r']-$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['l'];
// display the image
if (!$this->_subPart && !$this->_isSubPart) {
if ($src) {
$this->pdf->Image($src, $x, $y, $w, $h, '', $this->_isInLink);
} else {
// rectangle if the image can not be loaded
$this->pdf->setFillColorArray(array(240, 220, 220));
$this->pdf->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h, 'F');
// apply the margins
$x-= $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['l'];
$y-= $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['t'];
$w+= $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['l'] + $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['r'];
$h+= $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['t'] + $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['b'];
if ($float=='left') {
// save the current max
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $x+$w);
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y+$h);
// add the image to the margins
$this->_addMargins($float, $x, $y, $x+$w, $y+$h);
// get the new position
list($lx, $rx) = $this->_getMargins($yc);
$this->pdf->setXY($lx, $yc);
} else if ($float=='right') {
// save the current max. We don't save the X because it is not the real max of the line
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y+$h);
// add the image to the margins
$this->_addMargins($float, $x, $y, $x+$w, $y+$h);
// get the new position
list($lx, $rx) = $this->_getMargins($yc);
$this->pdf->setXY($lx, $yc);
} else {
// set the new position at the end of the image
// save the current max
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $x+$w);
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y+$h);
$this->_maxH = max($this->_maxH, $h);
return true;
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