Error Could not find package laravel/laravel with version ^9.0

Saya ingin membuat proyek baru dengan laravel. Saya menulis perintah seperti ini

composer create-project laravel/laravel:^9.0 example-app

Namun, saya mendapat pesan seperti ini

Could not find package laravel/laravel with version ^9.0

Saya telah mencoba dengan kode

composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app

Tapi saya mendapat pesan error seperti ini

Could not find package laravel/laravel with stability stable

Mohon bantuannya. Makasiii

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<div>coba seperti ini:</div><pre>composer create-project laravel/laravel="9.0.*" ProjectName</pre><div><br>di aku jadi<br><figure data-trix-attachment="{&quot;contentType&quot;:&quot;image/png&quot;,&quot;filename&quot;:&quot;gambar.png&quot;,&quot;filesize&quot;:34558,&quot;height&quot;:216,&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;width&quot;:644}" data-trix-content-type="image/png" data-trix-attributes="{&quot;presentation&quot;:&quot;gallery&quot;}" class="attachment attachment--preview attachment--png"><img src="" width="644" height="216"><figcaption class="attachment__caption"><span class="attachment__name">gambar.png</span></figcaption></figure></div>

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92 Kontribusi 48 Poin

Dipost 1 tahun yang lalu


Masih belum bisa. Pesan errornya ini Could not find package laravel/laravel with version 9.0.*

tambahin --prefer-dist di akhir

composer create-project laravel/laravel="9.0.*" e-office --prefer-dist

kaya gitu kah? masi sama aja, belum bisa

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel laravel_9 "9.0.*"

belum bisa juga kak

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