Tahun baru, skill baru! 🚀. Masukkan kupon "skill2025" untuk diskon 30% di kelas apa saja

Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects exactly 2 arguments,

$final = $this->sql;

// Find the first question mark in the prepared query

$offset = strpos($final, "?");

foreach ($args as $v) {

if (is_null($v)) {

$v = 'NULL';

} else {

$v = "'" . mysqli_real_escape_string( $v) . "'";


// Replace the question mark with the argument

$final = substr($final, 0, $offset) . $v . substr($final, $offset + 1);

// Move to the next question mark after the last inserted argument

$offset = strpos($final, "?", $offset + strlen($v));


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