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left join.

kak mau nanya sintax mana yah yang salah pada souce code ini.

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                <h3>Tabel proyek</h3>

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					<a class="fa fa-plus btn btn-info" href="proyek_tambah.php">
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                  <div class="x_content">
                    <table class="table table-bordered">
						<th style="text-align:center">No</th>
						<th>Gambar </th>
						<th>Kode Proyek </th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Divisi</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Witel</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Site ID</th>
						<th>Nama PJ</th>
						<th>Nama Proyek</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Lokasi</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Garis Bujur</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Garis Lintang</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Order</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Type</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Result</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Mulai Proyek</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Target Proyek</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Mitra</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Jumlah Team</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Survey</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Instalasi FTTH</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Proses</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">CT / UT</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Rekon</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Presentasi</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Kendala</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Keterangan</th>
						<th style="text-align:center">Action</th>

                                    //iclude file koneksi ke database

									$query = mysql_query("SELECT proyek.id_proyek, proyek.kode, divisi.id_divis, witel.id_witel, proyek.nama_pj, proyek.nama_proyek, proyek.lokasi,
									proyek.garis_bujur, proyek.garis_lintang, order.id_order, type.id_type, proyek.mulai_proyek, proyek.target_proyek, proyek.mitra, proyek.jumlah_team,
									proyek.survey, proyek.instalasi_ftth, proses_kemajuan.id_proses, proyek.ct_ut, proyek.rekon, proyek.persentasi, proyek.kendala, proyek.keterangan, proyek.gambar_proyek
									FROM proyek
									LEFT JOIN divisi ON proyek.id_divisi = divisi.id_divisi
									LEFT JOIN witel ON proyek.id_witel = witel.id_witel
									LEFT JOIN order ON proyek.id_order = order.id_order
									LEFT JOIN type ON proyek.id_type = type.id_type
									LEFT JOIN proses_kemajuan ON proyek.id_proses = proses_kemajuan.id_proses")or die(mysql_error());

                                    $no = 0;    //membuat variabel $no untuk membuat nomor urut
                                    while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
                                    $id_proyek = $data['id_proyek'];
									$kode = $data['kode'];
									$id_divisi = $data['id_divisi'];
									$id_witel = $data['id_witel'];
									$nama_pj = $data['nama_pj'];
									$nama_proyek = $data['nama_proyek'];
									$lokasi = $data['lokasi'];
									$garis_bujur = $data['garis_bujur'];
									$garis_lintang = $data['garis_lintang'];
									$id_order = $data['id_order'];
									$id_type = $data['id_type'];
									$result = $data['result'];
									$mulai_proyek = $data['mulai_proyek'];
									$target_proyek = $data['target_proyek'];
									$mitra = $data['mitra'];
									$jumlah_team = $data['jumlah_team'];
									$survey = $data['survey'];
									$instalasi_ffth = $data['instalasi_ffth'];
									$id_proses = $data['id_proses'];
									$ct_ut = $data['ct_ut'];
									$rekon = $data['rekon'];
									$persentasi = $data['persentasi'];
									$kendala = $data['kendala'];
									$keterangan = $data['keterangan'];
                                        <td width="50"><?php echo $no; ?></td>
										<td><img src="gambar/<?php echo $data['gambar_proyek']; ?>" style="max-width:70px;"/></a></td>
                                        <td><?php echo  $data['kode']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['id_divisi']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['id_witel']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['nama_pj']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['nama_proyek']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['lokasi']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['garis_bujur']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['garis_lintang']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['id_order']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['id_type']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['result']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['mulai_proyek']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['target_proyek']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['mitq']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['jumlq']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['survey']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['instalasi_ffth']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['id_proses']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['ct_ut']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['rekon']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['persentasi']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['kendala']; ?></td>
										<td><?php echo  $data['keterangan']; ?></td>

										<td width="130">

                                            <a href="edit_proyek.php<?php echo '?id_proyek=' . $id_proyek; ?>"><span class="fa fa-edit btn btn-success"></span></a>

                                            <a href="#delete_product<?php echo $id_proyek; ?>" role="button"  data-target = "#delete_product<?php echo $id_proyek;?>"data-toggle="modal"><span class="fa fa-trash-o btn btn-danger"></span></a>

											<a href="download.php?id=<?php echo $row['id_proyek'] ?>">Download</a>

                                            <?php include ('modal_delete_proyek.php');?>

                                    <?php } ?>


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hasil :

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28 Kontribusi 0 Poin

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8 Jawaban:

penggunaan tag

<?php include("includes/fungsi.php");?>
<?php include ('kerangka.php');?>
<?php include ('koneksi.php');?>

harus sebelum dari tag <head></head> seperti ini contohnya

<?php include("includes/fungsi.php");?>
<?php include ('kerangka.php');?>
<?php include ('koneksi.php');?>
<!doctype html>

tolong juga ganti judul sesuai isi agar yg lain bisa membantu.

avatar sptndc

247 Kontribusi 59 Poin

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ngga ada ngaruhnya kak di taruh sebelum tag html atau di dalam head. hasilnya tetap seperti itu salahnya.

avatar lastriani

28 Kontribusi 0 Poin

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pemanggilannya seperti ini

include ('includes/fungsi.php');
include ('kerangka.php');
include ('koneksi.php');

avatar sptndc

247 Kontribusi 59 Poin

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sudah kak. tapi salahnya malah tetap juga kyak gini..

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'order ON proyek.id_order = order.id_order LEFT JOIN type ON proyek.id_t' at line 7

avatar lastriani

28 Kontribusi 0 Poin

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kenapa include koneksi.php nya 2 kali ?

avatar sptndc

247 Kontribusi 59 Poin

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Jawaban Terpilih

pada query "SELECT" nya gaada proyek.id_order dan proyek.id_type

avatar sptndc

247 Kontribusi 59 Poin

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sudah bisa muncul kak.. terimakasih kak :D

avatar lastriani

28 Kontribusi 0 Poin

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sama-sama, tandai jika sudah terjawab.

avatar sptndc

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