masih bingung menggunakan if

mau nanya gan ada du tb priode untuk menampil halaman(tagihan) dan tb_bill isi tagihan tb priode terdiri dari id,name,month_pay,total,status,date dan bill terdiri dari id,stockno,item_name,country,price,jan,feb,mar,apr,dan seterusnya.. yang mau ditanyakan ketika halaman tagihan dibuat misalnya bulan januari(jan) dan febuari(feb) setelah di buat saya kesulitan ketika halaman jan/feb di klick hasilnya error terurrr mohan pencerahannya contoh kodenya

mengambi data dari tb_priode saya tandai tanda panah panjang


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                             $sql=mysql_query('select * from priode')or die(mysql_error());
                            $id = ''.$result['id'].'';
                            $name = ''.$result['name'].'';
							$month_pay = ''.$result['month_pay'].'';
							$total = ''.$result['total'].'';
                            $status = ''.$result['status'].'';
                            $date = ''.$result['date'].'';


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                                if($total == "0")
                                echo'<div class="widget-item-left">';
                                echo'<span class="fa fa-ban"></span>';
                                echo'</div> ';
								echo'<div class="widget-data"> ';
								echo"<div class='widget-int num-count'><h4>no bills yet '". $result["total"] ."'</h4></div> ";
								echo"<div class='widget-title'>" . $result["name"] ."</div> ";
								echo'</div> ';


									if($total > "0")
                               echo'<div class="widget-item-left">';
							   echo'<a href="pay.php?month_pay='.$result['month_pay'].'"><span class="fa fa-group"></span></a>';
                                echo'</div> ';
								echo'<div class="widget-data"> ';
								echo"<div class='widget-int num-count'><h4>Total Bill '". $result["total"] ."'</h4></div> ";
								echo"<div class='widget-title'>" . $result["name"] ."</div> ";
								echo'</div> ';


                                <div class="widget-data">

                                    if($total =="0")
                                        echo'<div class="widget-subtitle"><font color="red">'.$status.'</font></div>';
                                          echo'<div class="widget-subtitle"><font color="blue">Active</div>';

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mengambi data dari tb_bill saya tandai tanda panah panjang

 include_once '../connection.php';

              $month_pay = ($_GET['month_pay']);


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              <?php $sql=mysql_query('select * from priode
                                where month_pay = "'.$month_pay.'"')or die(mysql_error());

                                $month_pay = ''.$result['month_pay'].'';



                                      echo '<div class="panel-body">';
                                        $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * from stock_in");

                                            echo '<br> ';

                                            echo '<table class="table datatable">';

                                            echo '<thead>';

                                            echo '<tr>';
                                            echo '<th width="7%">No.</th>';
                                            echo '<th width="9%">ID</th>';
                                            echo ' <th width="30%">NAME</th>';
                                            echo '<th width="7%">LOC</th> ';
											echo '<th width="9%">COUNTRY</th> ';
											echo '<th width="10%">QTY</th> ';
                                            echo '<th width="10%">ACTION</th> ';
                                            echo '</tr>';
                                            echo '</thead>';
                                            echo '<tbody>';
                                            while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1)){
                                            echo '<tr>';
                                             $beg = ''.$row["stockno"] .'';

                                            echo "<td >" . $row["id"] . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td>" . $row["stockno"] . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td>" . $row["item_name"] . "</td>";
											echo "<td>" . $row["p_status"] ."</td>";
											echo "<td>" . $row["country"] ."</td>";

if($month_pay == "jan")
                              echo "<td>" . $row["jan"] ."</td>";

if($month_pay == "feb")
                               echo "<td>" . $row["feb"] ."</td>";

if($month_pay == "mar")
                              echo "<td>" . $row["mar"] ."</td>";

if($month_pay == "apr")
                              echo "<td>" . $row["apr"] ."</td>";


if($month_pay == "mei")
                              echo "<td>" . $row["mei"] ."</td>";

if($month_pay == "jun")
                             echo "<td>" . $row["jun"] ."</td>";

if($month_pay == "jul")
                              echo "<td>" . $row["jul"] ."</td>";

if($month_pay == "ags")
                              echo "<td>" . $row["ags"] ."</td>";

if($month_pay == "sep")
                               echo "<td>" . $row["sep"] ."</td>";

if($month_pay == "oct")
                               echo "<td>" . $row["oct"] ."</td>";

if($month_pay == "nov")
                              echo "<td>" . $row["nov"] ."</td>";

if($month_pay == "des")
                               echo "<td>" . $row["des"] ."</td>";

                                            echo "<td><a href='#myModal'id='custId' data-toggle='modal' data-id=".$row['id'].">
                                            EDIT </a> |  <a href='delete.php?stockno=".$row['stockno']."'>DELETE</a></td>";
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                type : 'post',
                url : 'edit.php',
                data :  'rowid='+ rowid,
                success : function(data){
                $('.fetched-data').html(data);//menampilkan data ke dalam modal

    <!-- pop up EDIT -->

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SOLVED,.SALAH NGAMBIL Tb bill bukan tb stock_in <pre> $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * from stock_in"); </pre> thank atas waktunyaa

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