Masukkan Data ke Array

 <script type="text/javascript">
          var provinsi = <?php echo json_encode($provinsi) ?>;

          AmCharts.makeChart( "mapdiv", {
           * this tells amCharts it's a map
          "type": "map",

           * create data provider object
           * map property is usually the same as the name of the map file.
           * getAreasFromMap indicates that amMap should read all the areas available
           * in the map data and treat them as they are included in your data provider.
           * in case you don't set it to true, all the areas except listed in data
           * provider will be treated as unlisted.

          "mouseWheelZoomEnabled" : false,
          "zoomOnDoubleClick" : false,
          "dataProvider": {
            "map": "indonesiaHigh",
            "getAreasFromMap": true,
                      { "id": "ID-AC", "color": "#2980b9", "url":"{{base_url('buku/pilih_zona')}}" },
                      { "id": "ID-AC", "color": "#0000CC" }

          "zoomControl": {
            "zoomControlEnabled": false,

           * create areas settings
           * autoZoom set to true means that the map will zoom-in when clicked on the area
           * selectedColor indicates color of the clicked area.
          "areasSettings": {
            "autoZoom": false,
            "selectedColor": "#CC0000"

           * let's say we want a small map to be displayed, so let's create it
          "smallMap": {
        } );

saya ingin "areas" itu mulai dari id sampai dengan color dan url terisi dari database, saya sudah parse json object dari php, lalu bagaimana cara memasukkan nya ke "areas"

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bisa ditampilkan hasil dari parse jsonnya? alias hasil dari "provinsi" bisa di console.log biar kelihata strukturnya

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