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Mime_content_type error saat dihosting
Message : Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mime_content_type() in /home/ucteq9wi/public_html/admin/app/modules/filepicker/filepicker.php:216 Stack trace: #0 /home/ucteq9wi/public_html/admin/index.php(172): include() #1 {main} thrown
Agan agan untuk masalah Diatas mime_content_type error saat dihosting sedangkan pas dilocal bisa. Itu permasalahanya dimana dan solusinya gimana gan?
4 Jawaban:
<div>Pastikan versi php antara local dan hosting itu sama ya gan</div>
Terima kasih gan solusinya akan saya coba dulu
<div>Masih belum bisa gan. Apakah ada eksistensi atau fungsi yang harus diaktifkan dalam cpanel hostingnya?</div>
<div>coba dengan ini<br><br></div><pre>function mime_content_type($filename) { $result = new finfo();
if (is_resource($result) === true) {
return $result-&gt;file($filename, FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
return false;
}</pre><div><br>sumber :</div>
<div>untuk kodinganya seperti ini gan. kalau ada kesalahan atau penambahan kode. mohon koreksinya.</div><div><br></div><pre> case 'ajax-upload-file' :
$path = $config['filepicker_upload_path'];
if ( !empty($_FILES) ) {
if ( file_exists($path) &amp;&amp; is_dir($path) ) {
if ( !is_writable($path) ) {
$result = array (
'status' =&gt; 'error',
'message' =&gt; 'Tidak dapat menulis file ke folder'
} else {
$new_name = upload_file($path, $_FILES['file']);
if ($new_name) {
$meta_file = [];
$mime_image = ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/bmp', 'image/gif'];
$current_mime_type = mime_content_type($path . $new_name);
if (in_array($current_mime_type, $mime_image))
$img_size = @getimagesize($path . $new_name);
$meta_file['default'] = ['width' =&gt; $img_size[0]
, 'height' =&gt; $img_size[1]
, 'size' =&gt; $_FILES['file']['size']
foreach ($config['thumbnail'] as $size =&gt; $dim)
if ($img_size[0] &gt; $dim['w'] || $img_size[1] &gt; $dim['h'])
$img_dim = image_dimension($path. $new_name, $dim['w'], $dim['h']);
$img_width = ceil($img_dim[0]);
$img_height = ceil($img_dim[1]);
$width = $height = null;
if ($img_width &gt;= $dim['w']) {
$width = $dim['w'];
} else if ($img_height &gt;= $dim['h']) {
$height = $dim['h'];
$layer = ImageWorkshop::initFromPath($path . $new_name);
$layer-&gt;resizeInPixel($width, $height, true);
$name_path = pathinfo($new_name);
$thumb_name = $name_path['filename'] . '_' . $size . '.' . $name_path['extension'];
$layer-&gt;save($path, $thumb_name, false, false, 97);
$thumb_dim = @getimagesize($path . $thumb_name);
$meta_file['thumbnail'][$size] = [
'filename' =&gt; $thumb_name
, 'width' =&gt; $thumb_dim[0]
, 'height' =&gt; $thumb_dim[1]
, 'size' =&gt; @filesize($path . $thumb_name)
$data_db['nama_file'] = $new_name;
$data_db['mime_type'] = $current_mime_type;
$data_db['size'] = $_FILES['file']['size'];
$data_db['tgl_upload'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$data_db['id_user_upload'] = $_SESSION['user']['id_user'];
$data_db['meta_file'] = json_encode($meta_file);
$sql = $db-&gt;insert('file_picker', $data_db);
$file_info = $data_db;
$file_info['bulan_upload'][date('Y-m')] = $nama_bulan[date('n')] . ' ' . date('Y');
$file_info['id_file_picker'] = $db-&gt;lastInsertId();
$result = get_file_properties($current_mime_type, $new_name, $meta_file);
$file_info = array_merge($file_info, $result);
$result = [
'status' =&gt; 'success',
'message' =&gt; 'File berhasil diupload.',
'file_info' =&gt; $file_info
} else {
$result = [
'status' =&gt; 'error',
'message' =&gt; 'System error'
} else {
$result = [
'status' =&gt; 'error',
'message' =&gt; 'Folder ' . $path . ' tidak ditemukan'
// Return the response
echo json_encode($result);
coba script jawabanku di taruh di atas if ( !empty($_FILES) ) { ,,, kalo masi error,, errornya berubah atau tidak,,,
Masih error gan
iyaa,,, errornya masi sama atau berubah ?
Errornya mlaha di koding fungsi tersebut gan