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Saya tidak bisa menampilkan data cabang pada sebuah menu dengan error '80020009'
ketika saya klik menu 'simulasi diskon' akan muncul frame pilihan 'branch, company, date & nama' kemudian submit. saat submit akan muncul data berupa tabel. pada data tersebut, ada kolom yang berjudul 'channelling custcode', saat saya klik nomor channelling custcode, maka harusnya akan muncul data berupa tabel lagi untuk detail resume si channelling custcode yang saya klik tadi. tapi ini masih error dan belum bisa muncul tabelnya.
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Server.ScriptTimeout = 600
v_strKodeCabang = Request.QueryString("v_strKodeCabang")
xcompany = Request.QueryString("v_strxcompany")
v_strseldate = Request.QueryString("v_strTgl")
v_strTglterminasi = Request.QueryString("v_strTglterminasi")
if left(xcompany,3) = "037" or left(xcompany,3) = "311" then
v_strTglProsesSMMF="dateadd(d,cast(toleransiJmlHari as numeric),'" & v_strseldate & "')" '===Untuk SMMF, ada kebijakan toleransi 5 hari u/ kolektibilitas & PPAP.===
v_strTglProsesSMMF= "'" & v_strseldate & "'"
end if
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function CariData(){
var getID;
getID = "ref_outstanding_printer.asp?sel_date=" + document.frmOustanding.txtSelDate.value + "&xcabang=" + document.frmOustanding.optCabang.value + "&xcompany=" + document.frmOustanding.optCompany.value + "&xjenis_kendaraan=" + document.frmOustanding.optTypeAgunan.value + "&sel_date_end=" + document.frmOustanding.txtSelDate_End.value + "&sel_date_start=" + document.frmOustanding.txtSelDate_Start.value + "&vkolek=" + document.frmOustanding.optKolek.value;
document.location = (getID);
function viewDetails(txtCode){"COLL_CUSTOMER_DETAIL.ASP?ccode=" + txtCode, "winDetails", "height=360, width=540, location=0, menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=0");
function tampil(something){ = "";"salmon";
function tidaktampil(something){ = "none";"salmon";
function Cek(something){
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<tr><td colspan=17 align="center" style="FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma, Verdana; FONT-SIZE: 10px"> </td>
Dim urut,Totalrental,Totalinterest,TotalPrinciple
dim MaxPerPage
dim CurPageRec
CurPageRec = 0
MaxPerPage = 10000000
v_strseldate2 = dateadd("m",-1,v_strseldate)
call CloseRs
if (month(v_strseldate) = "1" or month(v_strseldate) = "3" or month(v_strseldate) = "5" or month(v_strseldate) = "7" or month(v_strseldate) = "8" or month(v_strseldate) = "10" or month(v_strseldate) = "12") and day(v_strseldate) = "31" then
v_strvariable = "0"
if month(v_strseldate) = "2" and year(v_strseldate) mod 4 = 0 and day(v_strseldate) = "29" then
v_strvariable = "2"
if month(v_strseldate) = "2" and year(v_strseldate) mod 4 <> 0 and day(v_strseldate) = "28" then
v_strvariable = "3"
v_strvariable = "1"
end if
end if
end if
mycommand = "select P.channeling_custcode,,P.End_balance, T.JML_UNEARNED, P.payment_date, P.due_date, P.Accrued, R.maks_payment from " & _
"( select a.channeling_custcode,A.custcode,,F.End_balance, F.counter, F.payment_date, F.due_date, Accrued = case " & _
"when (a.channeling_company <> 'SMMF' and a.channeling_company <> 'SMMF_Multijasa') and tanggal_jual is NULL and (tanggal_beli is NULL or tanggal_BELI NOT BETWEEN F.due_date and '" & _
gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "' ) then round(((((F.End_balance*(round(e.interest_effective,5))))*(" & _
"(DATEDIFF(day,F.due_date,'" & gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "'))))/36000),0) " & _
"when (a.channeling_company = 'SMMF' or a.channeling_company = 'SMMF_Multijasa') and tanggal_jual is NULL and (tanggal_beli is NULL or tanggal_BELI NOT BETWEEN F.due_date and '" & _
gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "' ) then round(((((F.End_balance*(round(a.interest_effective,5))))*(" & _
"(DATEDIFF(day,F.due_date,'" & gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "'))))/36000),0) " & _
"when (a.channeling_company <> 'SMMF' and a.channeling_company <> 'SMMF_Multijasa') and tanggal_jual is NULL and tanggal_BELI BETWEEN F.due_date and '" & _
gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "' then round(((((F.End_balance*(round(e.interest_effective,5))))*(" & _
"(DATEDIFF(day,tanggal_beli,'" & gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "'))))/36000),0) " & _
"when (a.channeling_company = 'SMMF' or a.channeling_company = 'SMMF_Multijasa') and tanggal_jual is NULL and tanggal_BELI BETWEEN F.due_date and '" & _
gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "' then round(((((F.End_balance*(round(a.interest_effective,5))))*(" & _
"(DATEDIFF(day,tanggal_beli,'" & gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "'))))/36000),0) " & _
"when (a.channeling_company <> 'SMMF' and a.channeling_company <> 'SMMF_Multijasa') and tanggal_jual is not NULL then round(((((F.End_balance*(round(e.interest_effective,5))))*(" & _
"(DATEDIFF(day,F.Due_date,'" & gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "'))))/36000),0) " & _
"when (a.channeling_company = 'SMMF' or a.channeling_company = 'SMMF_Multijasa') and tanggal_jual is not NULL then round(((((F.End_balance*(round(a.interest_effective,5))))*(" & _
"(DATEDIFF(day,F.Due_date,'" & gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "'))))/36000),0) " & _
"END " & _
", V.jenis_kredit from customer_data_tab A " & _
"inner join Loan_Data_tab E on A.custcode=E.custcode " & _
"inner join skala_rental_tab F on A.custcode=F.custcode " & _
"inner join mst_company_tab V on substring(a.custcode,4,3) = V.company_code " &_
"inner join mst_jenis_kredit W on V.jenis_kredit = W.code " & _
"left join mst_toleransi_hari_smmf AA on right('00'+cast(month('" & v_strseldate & "') as varchar(2)),2) = right(AA.bulan,2) " & _
"and right('00'+cast(year('" & v_strseldate & "') as varchar(4)),4) = left(AA.bulan,4)" & _
"where E.branch='" & v_strKodeCabang & "' and a.approval_status <> 9 and A.custcode='" & v_strCustcode & "' and " & _
"((a.dijual_ke is null and a.tanggal_jual is null) or a.tanggal_jual > '" & gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "')" & _
"and (a.tanggal_beli is null or a.tanggal_beli <= '" & gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "') " & _
"and F.payment_date <= '" & gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "' " & _
"and substring(A.CUSTCODE,4,3)='" & xcompany & "' " & _
") P inner join " & _
"(select custcode as kode, max(counter) as maks from skala_rental_tab f where F.payment_date is not null " & _
"and F.payment_date <= '" & gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "' and F.custcode='" & v_strCustcode & "' group by custcode) Q on P.custcode = Q.kode and P.counter = Q.maks " & _
"inner join " & _
"(select custcode as kode2, max(payment_date) as maks_payment from skala_rental_tab f where F.payment_date is not null " & _
"and F.custcode='" & v_strCustcode & "' group by custcode) R on P.custcode = R.kode2 " & _
"LEFT join ( " & _
"select p.custcode,p.Unearned_final as JML_UNEARNED from ( select A.custcode,isnull(sum(F.interest),0) as Unearned_final " & _
"from customer_data_tab A " & _
"inner join Loan_Data_tab E on A.custcode=E.custcode " & _
"inner join skala_rental_tab F on A.custcode=F.custcode " & _
"where E.branch='" & v_strKodeCabang & "' and a.approval_status <> 9 and A.custcode='" & v_strCustcode & "' and " & _
"((a.dijual_ke is null and a.tanggal_jual is null) or a.tanggal_jual > '" & gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "')" & _
"and (a.tanggal_beli is null or a.tanggal_beli <= '" & gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "') " & _
"and (F.payment_date is Null or F.payment_date > '" & gm_strformatdate(v_strseldate) & "') and " & _
"substring(A.CUSTCODE,4,3)='" & xcompany & "' group by A.custcode ) P " & _
")T on T.custcode = P.custcode "
'response.write mycommand
RSDet.Open MyCommand,RSConn,1
if v_strTglterminasi <> "" then
response.write "Debitur Ini Fasilitasnya Sudah Lunas atau Sudah Tidak Aktif...."
end if
if Cdate(v_strseldate) < Cdate(RSDet("maks_payment")) then
response.write "Maaf, tanggal terminasi tidak boleh kurang dari tanggal payment terakhir nasabah. Tanggal peyment terakhir = '" & gm_strformatdate(RSDet("maks_payment")) & "'"
end if
'response.write 3
if not RSDet.eof then
sub_os = 0
sub_rent = 0
sub_princ = 0
sub_int = 0
sub_os_before = 0
sub_tunggakan_pokok = 0
sub_tunggakan_bunga = 0
sub_Unearned = 0
sub_LoanAmount = 0
col = 0
jumlahasli2 = 0
TotRec = RSDet.RecordCount
tot_page=(totrec - 1) \ MaxPerPage
RSDet.Move ctr
ctrPage = 1
Response.Write "<tr bgcolor=#5fc452>"
Response.Write "<td align=Center rowspan=2><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial color=#154210>No.</font></td>"
Response.Write "<td align=Center rowspan=2><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial color=#154210>Custcode </font></td>"
Response.Write "<td rowspan=2 ><div align=Center><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial color=#154210>Nama </font></div> </td>"
Response.Write "<td rowspan=2><div align=Center><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial color=#154210>Outstanding Pokok </font></div> </td>"
Response.Write "<td rowspan=2><div align=Center><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial color=#154210>Unearned </font></div> </td>"
if RSDet("jenis_kredit")="4" or RSDet("jenis_kredit")="6" then
Response.Write "<td rowspan=2><div align=Center><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial color=#154210>Bagi Hasil Yang Harus Dibayar </font></div> </td>"
elseif RSDet("jenis_kredit")="2" or RSDet("jenis_kredit")="3" or RSDet("7") then
Response.Write "<td rowspan=2><div align=Center><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial color=#154210>Ujroh Yang Harus Dibayar </font></div> </td>"
elseif RSDet("jenis_kredit")="5" then
Response.Write "<td rowspan=2><div align=Center><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial color=#154210>Fee Yang Harus Dibayar </font></div> </td>"
Response.Write "<td rowspan=2><div align=Center><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial color=#154210>Margin Yang Harus Dibayar </font></div> </td>"
end if
Response.Write "<td rowspan=2><div align=Center><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial color=#154210>Diskon</font></div> </td>"
Response.Write "<td rowspan=2><div align=Center><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial color=#154210> Jml Yang Harus Dibayar</font></div> </td>"
Response.Write "</tr>"
Response.Write "<tr bgcolor=#5fc452>"
Response.Write "</tr>"
While not RSDet.EOF and ( ctrPage <= MaxPerPage )
'Interest = RsDet("interest")
'Principle = RsDet("principle")
EBalance = RSDet("End_balance")
Unearned = RsDet("JML_UNEARNED")
Accrued = RsDet("Accrued")
if Cdate(v_strseldate) <= Cdate(RSDet("due_date")) then
Accrued = 0
end if
'LoanAmount = RSDet("Loan_Amount")
'rental = interest + principle
'tunggakan_pokok = RSDet("tunggakan_pokok")
'tunggakan_bunga = RSDet("tunggakan_bunga")
if ctrPage mod 2 = 0 then
Response.Write "<tr bgcolor=#d0eecc>"
Response.Write "<tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF>"
end if
'if RsDet("accrued") < 0 then
' accrued_now = 0
' accrued_now = RsDet("accrued")
'end if
Response.Write "<td align=right><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial>" & ctr+ctrPage & "</font></td>"
Response.Write "<td ><div align=center><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial>" & RSDet("channeling_custcode") & "</font></div> </td>"
Response.Write "<td ><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial> " & RSDet("Name") & "</font></td>"
Response.Write "<td ><div align=right><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial>" & formatnumber(EBalance,0) & "</font></div> </td>"
Response.Write "<td ><div align=right><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial>" & formatnumber(Unearned,0) & "</font></div> </td>"
Response.Write "<td ><div align=right><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial>" & formatnumber(Accrued,0) & "</font></div> </td>"
Response.Write "<td ><div align=right><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial>" & formatnumber(Unearned-Accrued,0) & "</font></div> </td>"
Response.Write "<td><div align=right><font size=2 face=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial>" & formatnumber(EBalance+Accrued,0) & "</font></div> </td>"
Response.Write "</tr>"
Response.Write "</tr>"
end if
set RSDet = nothing
1 Jawaban:
Halo ainimarifah,
Mohon izin menjawab,
ada error line 160 terdapat pada: <pre> if Cdate(v_strseldate) < Cdate(RSDet("maks_payment")) then </pre>
kemungkinan ada gagal saat: <pre> RSDet("maks_payment") </pre>
coba untuk di check dulu apakah "maks_payment" tersebut sesuai dengan value nya. Bisa jadi ada salah parsing atau data kosong/null atau salah format sehingga error.
Semoga dapat terjawab,