Tahun baru, skill baru! 🚀. Masukkan kupon "skill2025" untuk diskon 30% di kelas apa saja

tab baru ketika bar chart di klik

ini js saya

 //basic bar chart
  if(jQuery('#barChart_1').length > 0 ){
    const barChart_1 = document.getElementById("barChart_1").getContext('2d');

    barChart_1.height = 100;

    new Chart(barChart_1, {
      type: 'bar',
      data: {
          defaultFontFamily: 'Poppins',
          labels: [
          datasets: [
              label: "Kejahatan Selesai",
              data: [
                {{ $jan_f_diagram_done }},
                {{ $feb_f_diagram_done }},
                {{ $mar_f_diagram_done }},
                {{ $apr_f_diagram_done }},
                {{ $mei_f_diagram_done }},
                {{ $jun_f_diagram_done }},
                {{ $jul_f_diagram_done }},
                {{ $aug_f_diagram_done }},
                {{ $sep_f_diagram_done }},
                {{ $oct_f_diagram_done }},
                {{ $nov_f_diagram_done }},
                {{ $des_f_diagram_done }},
              borderColor: 'rgba(58, 122, 254, 1)',
              borderWidth: "0",
              backgroundColor: 'rgba(58, 122, 254, 1)'
              label: "Kejahatan Progress",
              data: [
                {{ $jan_f_diagram_progres }},
                {{ $feb_f_diagram_progres }},
                {{ $mar_f_diagram_progres }},
                {{ $apr_f_diagram_progres }},
                {{ $mei_f_diagram_progres }},
                {{ $jun_f_diagram_progres }},
                {{ $jul_f_diagram_progres }},
                {{ $aug_f_diagram_progres }},
                {{ $sep_f_diagram_progres }},
                {{ $oct_f_diagram_progres }},
                {{ $nov_f_diagram_progres }},
                {{ $des_f_diagram_progres }},
              borderColor: 'rgba(58, 122, 254, 1)',
              borderWidth: "0",
              backgroundColor: 'rgb(234,67,53)'
      options: {
        legend: false,
        scales: {
          yAxes: [{
              ticks: {
                  beginAtZero: true
          xAxes: [{
              // Change here
              barPercentage: 0.5

bagaimana cara pas kita click bar chart, langsung redirect ke detail data bar tersebut

avatar yazidhilman

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1 Jawaban:

<div>Berikut adalah contoh kode penggunaan event pada Chartjs :<br><br></div><pre>{ data: { datasets: [{ datalabels: { listeners: { click: function(context) { // Receives click events only for labels of the first dataset. // The clicked label index is available in context.dataIndex. console.log('label ' + context.dataIndex + ' has been clicked!'); } } } }, { //... }] }, options: { plugins: { datalabels: { listeners: { enter: function(context) { // Receives enter events for any labels of any dataset. Indices of the // clicked label are: context.datasetIndex and context.dataIndex. // For example, we can modify keep track of the hovered state and // return true to update the label and re-render the chart. context.hovered = true; return true; }, leave: function(context) { // Receives leave events for any labels of any dataset. context.hovered = false; return true; } }, color: function(context) { // Change the label text color based on our new hovered context value. return context.hovered ? "blue" : "gray"; } } } } }</pre><div><br>Untuk informasi lebih jelasnya silahkan buka&nbsp;<a href="https://chartjs-plugin-datalabels.netlify.app/guide/events.html#listeners">https://chartjs-plugin-datalabels.netlify.app/guide/events.html#listeners</a>&nbsp;</div>

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